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Wisdom Weaver


Anastasia Dedyukhina



Anastasia Dedyukhina is a global thought leader on digital well-being, a twice TEDx speaker, the bestselling author of ‘Homo Distractus,’ and the founder of an international network comprising 130+ digital well-being coaches, known as Consciously Digital. She is also a founder of the first digital well-being professional certification program, accredited by two major coaching associations, ICF and NBHWC. Anastasia has made numerous appearances in both national and international media, including the BBC, ITV, Metro, The Guardian, CBC Radio, Fast Company, Forbes, and The Huffington Post, among others. Her first TEDx talk, ‘Could You Live Without a Smartphone?’ has garnered over 400,000 views on YouTube.

What inspires you?

Being in nature. Creative, seemingly meaningless, work (like drawing for fun, dancing or doing improv theatre just because I love doing it). New ideas. Healthy arguments and people who (politely) disagree with my viewpoint. Public speaking (the bigger the audience, the better). Traveling to new places. Teaching and seeing how people’s horizons change when I do that.

What relationship has been most influential in your life?

The relationship with myself that is becoming better every year, and the relationship with the higher force above us (whatever you prefer to call it).

What’s on your bookshelf?

Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport

Intelligence in the Flesh: Why Your Mind Needs Your Body Much More Than It Thinks by Guy Claxton

The Shallows What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr

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