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Coaching for social well-being: A path to a thriving community


  • Social well-being flourishes at the intersection of personal fulfillment and community health. The future of social well-being will be influenced by the trends of urbanization, global interconnectedness, and technology innovations.
  • The ICF Thought Leadership Institute’s STEERE framework highlights how social, technological, economic, ecological, regulatory, and ethical influences shape the future of social well-being.
  • Coaches can enrich social well-being by cultivating a sense of belonging and community resilience so individuals and communities adapt and flourish.

Social well-being thrives on meaningful connections and shared experiences within communities. As societies navigate urban growth, global interconnected communities, and rapid technological advancements, coaches can nurture individuals and communities to sustain social well-being in an ever-evolving world.

Explore the future of digital well-being:

1. Trends shaping the future of social well-being

2. Applying the ICF Thought Leadership Institute STEERE framework

3. Coaching frameworks for fostering well-being

4. Coaching can lead the change: Implications for the future

5. Learn more: Futures thinking in action

Urbanization impacts social well-being

The global trend toward urbanization, showing up as the movement of people to urban centers in search of better job opportunities, better services, and higher living standards, presents both opportunities and challenges for social well-being. Today, more than half of the world’s population resides in urban areas. While some cities offer accessible services, vibrant communities, and dynamic cultural exchanges that enrich daily life, other urban areas would benefit from similar improvement.

Urbanization can heighten stress, isolation, and loneliness due to population density, noise pollution, and unsatisfying social interactions. People-centered urban planning and development that incorporates urban ecology can enhance livability, community health, and social well-being.

Global interconnected communities impact social well-being

Two interconnected trends explored previously — globalization of community and global interconnectedness — are reshaping social dynamics. The globalization of community trend describes self-sustaining community groups that engage in civic cooperation to address shared challenges. Global interconnectedness then facilitates seamless international technology collaborations to support these communities. Together, these trends will forge a deeply interconnected global community. Coaches can promote inclusive social technologies to decrease loneliness and promote social well-being within this global context.

Rapidly advancing technology impacts social well-being

Technology has produced unmatched innovation and outpaced essential security measures, privacy protocols, and policies. As a result, people experience digital risks and vulnerabilities that undermine social trust because they feel unprotected in their digital interactions.

Blockchain technology prioritizes security to restore social trust because people can control their digital identity. Described as a social impact technology, blockchain is advancing rapidly, with a predicted market of $94 billion by 2027. Shaping the future, coaches can anticipate integrating blockchain technology into coaching practices to prioritize social trust through smart contracts, improved confidentiality and secure payment systems, and easy-to-share credential verification systems.

Urbanization trends create challenges best met with improved urban planning and intentional community-building efforts.

Globally interconnected communities encourage inclusive social technology to decrease loneliness and promote social well-being.

Accelerated innovation, such as blockchain solutions, prioritize social trust and international cooperation.

Other factors influencing social well-being

Intergenerational connections and social well-being

Generations vary in their experiences of well-being with different attitudes toward mental health, access to resources, unique generational experiences, and varied digital engagement patterns. Yet, all generations share the need for social relationships. Integrating intergenerational connection into community and workplace design could proactively boost social well-being, bridge generational gaps, and increase a sense of overall well-being, especially for young people.

Facilitating intergenerational engagement, where people of different age groups come together through shared activities, programming, or workplaces, can provide multiple benefits:

Cultural context and social well-being

Cultural interpretations and norms significantly shape social well-being. Recognizing and respecting the diverse ways cultures interpret influences on their collective well-being is key to nurturing relationships across cultures.

Signals of change in social well-being

A signal is an indicator of a possible future. Signals are derived from current events that suggest potentially influential change is emerging and taking shape. In futures thinking, signal watching helps coaches anticipate and prepare for the more plausible and probable futures.

Brain healthy cities are creating urban environments to foster intergenerational connections, promote physical health, ensure access to nutritious food, and reduce air pollution.

Regenerative community jams are emerging globally as people come together to envision human-centered communities.

2. Applying the ICF Thought Leadership Institute STEERE framework

Analyzing the critical social, technological, economic, ecological, regulatory, and ethical influences through the STEERE futures thinking framework provides perspective to help coaches prepare for the future.

The benefits and challenges of social well-being

Social well-being integrates individual and community perspectives, recognizing the varied benefits and challenges of each.

For the individual, the benefits and challenges of social well-being include:



For the community, the benefits and challenges of social well-being include:



3. Coaching frameworks for fostering well-being

Community coaching and social well-being

Community coaching energizes communities to create social impact through a relational approach to well-being. Community coaching can help social impact leaders strengthen their social connections with the social capital needed to self-manage opportunities for collective social well-being.

Community coaching differs from resilience coaching because it seeks to enhance the overall health and sustainability of entire communities through strategic engagement that addresses specific well-being needs of diverse communities. Integrating community coaching can include:

Ethics of Care and social well-being

The Ethics of Care framework prioritizes nurturing connections between individuals and communities based on empathy and mutual respect. Care is reciprocated when social policies and practices are people-centered to create a more resilient and caring society where well-being is interconnected. Coaches can amplify marginalized voices and advocate for people-centered policies to foster a more caring and inclusive society.

4. Coaching can lead the change: Implications for the future

Coaches can play a crucial role in supporting social well-being by guiding individuals in enhancing community engagement.

5. Learn more: Futures thinking in action

Future thinking uses the “what if” approach to envision and prepare for various possible futures. Coaches play an important role in shaping these potential scenarios. 

  1. What if retirement communities utilize coaching for life transitions? Coaching could help older adults navigate the challenges of aging and transform retirement to focus on social well-being through community engagement.
  2. What if coaching became a beacon of hope in disaster recovery efforts? Coaches could provide empathetic support and practical guidance, accelerating healing and bolstering resilience amid crises.
  3. What if our cities had centers dedicated to well-being, inspired by coaching principles? Urban areas could integrate well-being centers into urban planning to promote community involvement, personal growth, and collective well-being. A variety of coaches and other wellness providers could collaborate on holistic well-being services.

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